
Micro Needling | Botealis | Genève

Micro Needling

For naturally advanced and accelerated cellular rejuvenation

Micro needling is an aesthetic medical technique offering multiple benefits for individuals who wish to properly treat irregularities of the skin : scars, stretch marks and wrinkles.

The micro needling technique involves applying vertically micro-needles with high frequency (800 times per second) to the skin for a single use, and a determined depth depending on the problem areas and the desired effect.

This technique combines the benefits of a mechanical dermabrasion and mesotherapy, allowing deeper penetration of the skin with hyaluronic acid fluid, vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants. The mechanical stimulation created by these micro-needles on fibroblasts, structures the skin’s cells, increasing within the following weeks, synthesising collagen, producing remarkable effects on tone and appearance of the skin.

The disadvantages are minimal as it does not require any convalescencing in privacy. Only a persistent redness may be experienced for only 48 hours. Moreover, this treatment is almost painless as prior to treatment an anaesthetic cream is applied.

The treatments’ benefits are numerous as they address: skin irregularities, dilated pores, acne scars, surgical scars, stretch marks and wrinkles.

Aesthetic medical center Botealis, Geneva

We look forward to answering your questions or to welcome you in our Geneva medical center. We encourage you to contact us at our contact page or to call us.